Three Day Novel Contest – My nails are gone

I participated in the International Three-Day Novel Contest this past Labor Day weekend.  Three days of (nearly) uninterrupted writing to create an original first draft of an entire novel.  My novel draft was 28,000 words. As a first attempt, I’m feeling pretty good about that offering.  I learned a few things that will make this year’s contest easier.

I chose to write a dystopian young adult book about vampires and humans in a post-apocalyptic world.  I know, it’s been done to death by now, but it’s also a compelling genre and the books that are of the same type are still selling, so I thought I’d throw my hat into the ring.

So, I sent off Evolution and I am currently working on the edits for that as well as an initial outline for the sequel.  Yes, I’m planning a trilogy.  The odds are that if I create a third book, twice the size of either of the first two, J.J. Abrams will direct both movies they make from the last book. 

Plan big or go home, right?

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